Signs of low transmission fluid in your vehicle

Transmission problems are common and delay in fixing them can land you in a problem. Most of the time, the vehicle owners are unable to trace the issues on a quick note because they do not have the relevant knowledge and experience about the transmission problems in general. As an owner of the vehicle, you should know what the signs of low transmission fluid are before any small issue turns into a big one. The problems, if unattended, can get more serious and may damage the crucial components of the vehicle.

Here are some signs of low transmission fluid

A problem in changing gears

If you experience a problem in shifting gears, it indicates a failure and you should take the assistance of a transmission shop as soon as you can in order to find if there is a low level of transmission fluid.

Transmission slipping

Another issue that may indicate low fluid level is transmission slipping. It occurs when there is a lack in the synchronization between the engine and the vehicle. This takes place when the engine speeds up and the vehicle fails to respond it.

Unusual or strange noise

In particular, the transmission of your vehicle should be noiseless. If you hear an unusual or strange noise, you should take help of an expert who has good expertise in the field of transmission rebuild and repair.


Overheating is again a sign that indicates the fluid level is low and there are chances of transmission failure.

Learning about the most common signs of the low fluid level will help you know if your vehicle needs professional help or not. Identifying the problems and taking help of an expert at a transmission shop will save you from costly repairs.